عرض 1 - 14 من 14
Hunter Dual Two-Wire Installation: Tee-Splicing the Two-Wire Path 7 of 8
Video 7 of 8 installation of the Hunter Dual decoder two-wire system with I-Core controller. Tee-Splicing the two-wire path.
دليل منتج Solar Sync
Décodeur bifilaire Hunter Dual (ar)
Hunter Dual Two-Wire Installation: Programming with the ICD-HP Handheld Programmer 8 of 8 (ar)
I-Core Controller: Solar Sync Setup (ar)
I-Core Controller: Basic Start-up Programming (ar)
Hunter Dual Two-Wire Installation: Dual Grounding 2 of 8 (ar)
Hunter Dual Two-Wire Installation: Installing the Dual 48M Decoder Output Module 3 of 8 (ar)
I-Core Controller HFS Flow Sensor Set-up (ar)
Hunter Dual Two-Wire Installation: Connecting DUAL-S Surge Suppressors 6 of 8 (ar)
Hunter Dual Two-Wire Installation: Dual Connecting Two-Wire Paths 4 of 8 (ar)
Hunter Dual Two-Wire Installation: Introduction 1 of 8 (ar)
I-Core Controller: Advanced Programming with Extended Features (ar)
جهاز الإستشعار برطوبة التربة Soil-Clik: توصيل أسلاك لوحات تحكم معينة
تعلم كيفية توصيل أسلاك جهاز الإستشعار برطوبة التربة Soil-Clik مع أجهزة التحكم بالري Pro-C، و X-Core، و I-Core، و ACC. يمكن أيضا تثبيت جهاز الإستشعار