The ST-1600 complements the ST-90 and STG-900 ST Rotors by adding long-range capabilities. These enhanced radius rotors are perfect for football fields, where smaller radius rotors might fall a little short. They are even better for extra-wide field applications like soccer and field hockey. ST-1600 rotors are available in two configurations:


This model is a 5" pop-up with adjustable-arc and full-circle capabilities in one rotor. All internal components of this rotor are accessible from the top without disturbing the synthetic surface. It is ideally suited for installation within Hunter's ST-243642B vault, or in the natural turf that is sometimes adjacent to the synthetic field to be irrigated.


This model is a compact and unobtrusive riser-mounted rotor with adjustable-arc and full-circle capabilities. This model is perfect for those installations where it is preferable to keep all irrigation piping and equipment away from the synthetic surface. The riser-mounted configuration also allows existing synthetic sports fields to be retrofitted for irrigation without disturbing the playing surface. Riser-mounted configurations are typically installed at elevations that promote safety and protection from the rotor's high-flow water stream.

ST Rotor for Sports Field