ACC2 - Decoder Wire Test Mode

The WIRE TEST Feature will activate a 24 VAC-60 Hz frequency on all output modules and their two-wire paths, to allow wire tracking and fault finding with a standard AC current clamp meter. This is a common diagnostic technique to find shorts to earth ground. The AC current will drop sharply between two points on the wire path if a short circuit or fault to earth is between them. When troubleshooting is finished, press the soft key again to turn off the 60 Hz wire test mode.

  1. From the Home Menu, select the lower right soft key to view the Main Menu.
  2. Turn the scroll wheel to the right to view the Decoders menu.
  3. Press the wheel once and scroll to select the Decoder Diagnostic option.
  4. Press the lower right soft key Wire Test.
  5. To turn off the 24 VAC-60 Hz frequency, press the lower right soft key Wire Test Off.

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