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Сравнение характеристик контроллеров с поддержкой Wi-Fi с продукцией Hydrawise
The future of irrigation controllers is now, and it’s true there are many options to choose from. When comparing those options, the differences between
Подробное описание Pro-HC
Управляйте вашим контроллером орошения из любой точки мира через смарт-устройство или веб-браузер с помощью облачного программного обеспечения Hydrawise
The Hunter SJ Swing Joint
The SJ Swing Joint easily adjusts sprinklers to proper height and position, and eliminates broken risers. This video shows the benefit and superior
Hunter Golf - 2015 Golf Show: Pilot Decoder Hub
This overview of the Hunter Golf Pilot Decoder Hub walks through the robust facepack features, including how you can manually enter irrigation programs
Hunter Golf: A Trusted Partner
Hunter Industries wants to be your first choice for irrigation products and we back it with our fantastic customer service and our second-to-none