Отображается 1 - 18 из 18
Soil-Clik: Wiring Specific Controllers
Learn to wire your Soil-Clik moisture sensor with Hunter's Pro-C, X-Core, I-Core, and ACC irrigation controllers. Soil-Clik can also be installed on non
Programming Odd & Even Days and Programming Interval Watering
This video will teach you how to program your controller to water every other day by selecting odd or even days of the week to water. You will also
Manual Operation with a Hunter Controller
Hunter controllers allow you to start a station or an entire program manually. To do so, turn the dial to Manual Single Station or Manual All Stations
How to Reset a Hunter Controller
If want to clear the memory on your controller and start from fresh or if your controller is not responding to your commands, this video will show you
How to Adjust a Hunter X-Core to comply with water restrictions
Learn how to easily adjust days to water, change program start times, and adjust run times for each individual station or zone of a Hunter X-Core
Display Troubleshooting on a Hunter Controller
If your display is blank, unreadable, or if it is showing symbols that do not make any sense, this video will teach you how to troubleshoot the display.
Controllers - Programming Multiple Programs Part 4 of 4: Other Modes
Programming a controller is easy. You just need to program the current day and time and you are ready to create a program for your zones or stations. It
Controllers - Programming Multiple Programs Part 3 of 4: Program B
Programming a controller is easy. You just need to program the current day and time and you are ready to create a program for your zones or stations. It
Controllers - Programming Multiple Programs Part 2 of 4: Program A
Programming a controller is easy. You just need to program the current day and time and you are ready to create a program for your zones or stations. It
Controllers - Programming Multiple Programs Part 1 of 4: Introduction, Time/Date
Programming a controller is easy. You just need to program the current day and time and you are ready to create a program for your zones or stations. It
Canceling Extra Start Times on Hunter Controller
An irrigation system that is repeating the cycle and continuously watering most likely has too many start times programmed into the controller. This
Canceling a Delay on a Hunter Controller
One of the most common reasons for a sprinkler system to water intermittently and show the word DELAY on the display is because a delay time was
Hydrawise Ready Controllers: Wi-Fi Troubleshooting
Learn the most common Wi-Fi solutions when setting up a Hydrawise Wi-Fi irrigation controller from Hunter Industries. Manage your irrigation controller
Programming the HC Hydrawise compatible controller without Wi-Fi
This video shows how to program the HC Hydrawise compatible controller without Wi-Fi. Hunter’s new Wi-Fi-enabled HC irrigation controller allows for
Setting up HC Controller with Wi-Fi
This video shows how to setup the HC Hydrawise compatible controller with Wi-Fi. Hunter’s new Wi-Fi-enabled HC irrigation controller allows for
Обзор программирования контроллера Hunter X-Core и настройка программы А
В этом сегменте рассматриваются основы программирования контроллера X-Core для полива частных газонов. Мы рассмотрим установку текущего времени и даты
Hunter X-Core – задание нескольких программ и дополнительные функции
В данном видеосюжете рассматриваются дополнительные функции контроллера X-Core, в том числе настройка нескольких программ одновременно, выключение
Установка и настройка датчика Solar Sync на контроллере X-Core , X-Core Solar Sync Intall
Представитель Службы технической поддержки Hunter демонстрирует правильное подключение датчика Solar Sync к контроллеру X-Core и его программирование.