Отображается 1 - 4 из 4
Обслуживание роторного дождевателя Hunter ST-1600
При извлечении из стойки роторный дождеватель Hunter ST-1600 способен выполнить оборот в пределах полного рабочего сектора (180°) за 80 секунд при
Hydrawise Ready Controllers: Wi-Fi Troubleshooting
Learn the most common Wi-Fi solutions when setting up a Hydrawise Wi-Fi irrigation controller from Hunter Industries. Manage your irrigation controller
Programming the HC Hydrawise compatible controller without Wi-Fi
This video shows how to program the HC Hydrawise compatible controller without Wi-Fi. Hunter’s new Wi-Fi-enabled HC irrigation controller allows for
Setting up HC Controller with Wi-Fi
This video shows how to setup the HC Hydrawise compatible controller with Wi-Fi. Hunter’s new Wi-Fi-enabled HC irrigation controller allows for