Mostrando 1 - 14 de 14
Comparación de programadores de riego Wi-Fi con Hydrawise
The future of irrigation controllers is now, and it’s true there are many options to choose from. When comparing those options, the differences between
10 principales características de Hydrawise para instaladores
Hoy, Hunter Industries ofrece el nuevo programador HC Wi-Fi con nuestro software en línea Hydrawise™, un sistema que le permite acceder al programador
Turning on multiple stations with ROAM and ROAM XL remote
If you have the water capacity and you want to turn on more than one station at a time, you can use your ROAM or ROAM XL remote control.
Resetting the Hunter ROAM XL Remote
This video shows you how to quickly reset your Hunter ROAM remote when it may not be responding to commands or you would like to wipe out any existing
Hunter ROAM with ICR
This video shows you how you can use your Hunter ROAM XL transmitter with an existing ICR receiver using an addressing procedure.
Hunter ROAM remote QuickStart
This video shows you how to get up and running with some quick start features for your Hunter ROAM remote. Learn about how to set up your address, start
Extending the Hunter SmartPort
This video covers how to extend a Hunter SmartPort using SRR-SCWH (shielded cable wiring harness) to residential irrigation controllers for lawn
Hydrawise Ready Controllers: Wi-Fi Troubleshooting
Learn the most common Wi-Fi solutions when setting up a Hydrawise Wi-Fi irrigation controller from Hunter Industries. Manage your irrigation controller
ROAM XL Operation
This video will show you how to install the SmartPort, prepare the remote for operation, change the address, increase the number of stations or switch
Guía de Productos de Controladores HC Wi-Fi y Software Hydrawise
En Hunter Industries creemos que el futuro de la industria del riego incluye controladores inteligentes con nuevas funciones y de fácil uso. Hunter
Programming the HC Hydrawise compatible controller without Wi-Fi
This video shows how to program the HC Hydrawise compatible controller without Wi-Fi. Hunter’s new Wi-Fi-enabled HC irrigation controller allows for
Hunter Turbinas I-Series Guia
Learn about recent product improvements that raise the bar for durability and performance, and why there is no better commercial sprinkler than Hunter I
Setting up HC Controller with Wi-Fi
This video shows how to setup the HC Hydrawise compatible controller with Wi-Fi. Hunter’s new Wi-Fi-enabled HC irrigation controller allows for
Programadores de riego Wi-Fi Hunter Hydrawise: ahorre agua y proteja su jardín
Programadores Wi-Fi Hydrawise: ahorre agua y proteja su jardín. La tecnología líder del sector Hydrawise de Hunter Industries le ofrece la solución de