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Wireless Rain Clik - FAQs
If your wireless sensor is not shutting down irrigation when it rains or if the Sensor Status LED on the receiver continues to be red after the sensor
Rain Sensors - FAQs
If your controller is showing a message indicating that the sensor is active even thought it has not rained or if the sensor is not shutting down the
Pro-Spray Product Comparison. 60 second version
How much pressure can a sprinkler head can handle before it literally explodes? In this condensed version of the Pro-Spray video, we get right to the
Eco-Mat Subsurface Irrigation: How to Install the Eco-Mat
Hunter Industries’ Eco-Mat is a bold new innovation in subsurface irrigation, offering 100% coverage with unparalleled water efficiency. Learn how to
Clik-Delay Product Guide
The Hunter Clik-Delay was developed in response to the California Governor's mandate for a 48 hour irrigation delay after a rain event occurs. The Clik
Dreamscapes Hunter Ep 3: Eco-Mat
In this video, see how the Hunter Eco-Mat subsurface irrigation solution helps conserve water in a small, irregular-shaped turf area. Learn how the Eco
Ajustement et maintenance des tuyères Hunter
Cette vidéo explique comment régler et entretenir les tuyères de votre système d'irrigation Hunter. Mike, un technicien Hunter, explique comment rinçer
Comparaison et test du Pro-Spray
Quelle pression une tête d'arrosage automatique peut elle supporter avant d'exploser? Dans cette vidéo, les ingénieurs Hunter comparent differentes
Guide produit du Pro-Spray
La gamme Pro-Spray de Hunter est la plus resistante disponible dans le domaine de l'irrigation. Hunter fabrique une gamme entière d'arroseurs pour une