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Présentation du Hunter X2 Wifi
Présentation du Hunter X2 Wifi
Fonctionnement manuel du contrôleur d'irrigation X2 Nouvel enregistrement
Fonctionnement manuel du contrôleur d'irrigation X2 Nouvel enregistrement
Troubleshooting a Hunter Valve that is not Opening - Quick Tip
One of the most common reasons for a valve not to open when the controller sends low voltage electricity to the valve is because the exhaust port might
I-Core Controller HFS Flow Sensor Set-up
In part three HFS Hunter Flow Sensor set-up, Mike will go through installing a HFS flow sensor and setting up stations to be monitored, change overflow
Cleaning the Diaphragm on a Hunter Valve - Quick Tip
One of the most common reasons for a valve to keep running continuously is the accumulation of debris in the diaphragm, which prevents the valve from