Affichage 1 - 17 sur 17
Changement de buse arroseur PGP
Changement de buse arroseur PGP
Nettoyage de filtre arroseur
Nettoyage de filtre arroseur
SVC Controller - Reset
If want to clear the memory on your controller and start from fresh, or if your controller is not responding to your commands, this video will show you
SVC Controller - Programming - Part 2 of 2
The SVC is ideal for applications where electrical power is absent using only a 9-volt battery to operate. The SVC does not require running electrical
SVC Controller - Programming - Part 1 of 2
The SVC is ideal for applications where electrical power is absent using only a 9-volt battery to operate. The SVC does not require running electrical
Replacing a Hunter Rotor Riser Seal
One of the most common reasons for a sprinkler to start leaking between the pop-up riser assembly and the body cap while it is in operation is because
Installing a Nozzle on a Hunter Rotor
Installing a nozzle on a rotor is relatively easy. The procedure is the same for the PGJ, SRM, PGP-ADJ, PGP Ultra and I-20 rotors. This video will teach
Hunter Golf - 2015 Golf Show: Pilot Decoder Hub
This overview of the Hunter Golf Pilot Decoder Hub walks through the robust facepack features, including how you can manually enter irrigation programs
Cleaning a Filter on Hunter Rotor
The most common reason for a sprinkler to stop rotating is the accumulation of debris in the filter. This video will teach you how to clean the filter
Be a Hero. Save Water. Save the Day.
Do you like heroes who battle villains and save the day? If so, this Smart Irrigation video by Hunter Industries is for you! We highlight the real
Hunter PGP Ultra and I-20 Rotor Nozzles Product Guide
Learn how to choose the right nozzle for your irrigation plan. Take this video tour through Hunter’s rotor nozzle selections, learn more about the data
Dreamscapes Hunter Ep2 PGP I 20
Watch this irrigation retrofit using Hunter PGP Ultra and I-20 rotors to cost-effectively irrigate a large turf area, eliminate dead spots, and cut
Hunter Golf: A Trusted Partner
Hunter Industries wants to be your first choice for irrigation products and we back it with our fantastic customer service and our second-to-none
Le moyen le plus efficace
Learn why Hunter rotors are trusted by irrigation professionals worldwide. Learn more about the features of the flagship PGP-ADJ, PGP Ultra, and I-20
Ajuster un arroseur Hunter
With a rotor tool, its easy to adjust the left stop, but ever wonder how to adjust the right stop after install? Hunter Technical Support will show you
Comment régler un arroseur Hunter : Astuces
Le réglage de l'arc et du rayon d'un arroseur est une tâche facile. La plupart des arroseurs résidentiels sont ajustés de la même manière. Les deux
Arroseurs Hunter : PGP, PGP-Ultra et I-20
Hunter Industries a été construit autour de l'innovation du PGP. Cette vidéo est une vue d'ensemble des arroseurs résidentiels Hunter. Découvrez la