WVS - Transmitting and Receiving Data

All program information and manual watering is conducted with the WVP and individual WVC controllers using radio signals. Under normal conditions, these operations can be conducted up to 100 feet from the controller. The Transmit/Receive button on the handle of the WVP is used to establish radio contact to transmit and receive data.  It is recommended procedure to first retrieve the program from a WVC, review and make necessary changes, and then transmit the new program back to the WVC.

Entering the WVC Identification Code

Each WVC controller has a unique 3-digit identification code that is established during the installation of the controller. This unique code allows for added security and radio operation of individual controllers on a site that has multiple WVC controllers. To establish radio contact with a WVC, you must know the unique identification code that was established during the initial setup of the WVC controller (refer to the WVC Owner’s Manual for information on setting or changing the identification code for your controller).

  1. Press the Transmit/Receive button on the WVP handle. The lower portion of the display will illuminate. The Transmit/Receive arrow will be flashing.
  2. Use the  or  button to enter the unique WVC identification code from 0 to 999.
Retrieving Programs

Once the WVC 3-digit identification code is entered into the WVP:

  1. Press the trigger button on the WVP to select the receive function (the arrow will be flashing).
  2. Press arrow to have arrow pointing to transmitter.
  3. Squeeze and hold the Transmit/Receive trigger button on the handle of the WVP for 2 seconds. The WVP will beep twice indicating that communication is taking place.
  4. Dashed lines will appear on the display indicating that radio communication is being made with the WVC. When the last dashed line illuminates, data transmission is completed and the WVP will beep twice indicating that data transmission was successful.
  5. All current program information and battery life status from the WVC can now be reviewed with the WVP by squeezing the transmit/receive button once, which returns the unit to programming mode.
Transmitting Programs

Once the WVC 3-digit identification code is entered into the WVP:

  1. Use the trigger button to select the transmit function. (The arrow will be flashing).
  2. Squeeze and hold the Transmit/Receive trigger button on the handle of the WVP for 2 seconds. The WVP will beep twice indicating that communication is taking place.
  3. After a few seconds, dashed lines will appear on the display indicating that radio communication is being made with the WVC. When the last dashed line illuminates, data transmission is completed and the WVP will beep twice indicating that data transmission was successful.

If for any reason if radio connect was not successful,  the WVP will produce a single two second beep and the No Contact icon  will be displayed in the middle of the display for a brief period.  If you are experiencing problems contacting the WVC, make sure you are using the correct identification code. If communication problems persist, try moving closer to the WVC  to improve radio contact. The range of the signal will be up to 100 ft. with the WVC installed in the valve box. Actual performance varies depending upon the installation and the surrounding terrain.


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