Exibindo 25 – 48 de 56
Pro-C Basic: 04, Pro C Water Days
Pro-C Basic: 03, Run Time
Pro-C Basic: 02, Setting Start Time
Pro-C Basic: 01, Setting Date and Time
Valve Installation: Proper use of Fittings and Wire Splices
This video shows you the steps needed to prepare and install Hunter valves. You will learn how to prepare fittings and how to splice wires.
Consertando uma Válvula Hunter que não esta Abrindo - Dica
One of the most common reasons for a valve not to open when the controller sends low voltage electricity to the valve is because the exhaust port might
Soil-Clik: Conectando a Fiação aos Controladores
Learn to wire your Soil-Clik moisture sensor with Hunter's Pro-C, X-Core, I-Core, and ACC irrigation controllers. Soil-Clik can also be installed on non
Transformando uma Casa em Irrigação Inteligente com a Hunter and Ahmed Hassan
Landscape contractor Ahmed Hassan, best known from TV's Yard Crashers, retrofits a backyard using Hunter Irrigation's water efficient products - the MP
Programando Dias Pares e Ímpares e Programando Intervalos de Rega
This video will teach you how to program your controller to water every other day by selecting odd or even days of the week to water. You will also
Pro-Spray: Guia do Produto
The Pro-Spray Product Guide shows you everything you need to know about the Hunter Pro-Spray. We show you an overview of the Pro-Spray with all the
Pro-Spray: Comparação do Produto em 60 Segundos
How much pressure can a sprinkler head can handle before it literally explodes? In this condensed version of the Pro-Spray video, we get right to the
Pro-Spray Projetado pra Performance: Burst, Surge, Flush and Cap-leak.
How much pressure can a sprinkler head can handle before it literally explodes? In this video, Hunter engineers push competing spray heads to the point
Pro-C com o Solar Sync
In this video, learn how to properly install a Solar Sync sensor and learn the different Solar Sync programming functions, plus how to make future
Pro-C: Programação Básica
This video shows you the basic steps to program a Hunter Pro-C irrigation controller and how to use its various features, from setting the date and time
Pro-C: Programação Avançada
This video from Hunter goes in-depth to show you how to use the advanced features of the Pro-C irrigation controller, including everything from the
Início Manual com um Controlador Hunter
Hunter controllers allow you to start a station or an entire program manually. To do so, turn the dial to Manual Single Station or Manual All Stations
Válvulas de Irrigação Hunter: Projetadas para Durar
The Hunter family of irrigation valves offers durable, reliable performance and is engineered to stand the test of time, no matter the conditions
Como Reiniciar um Controlador Hunter
If want to clear the memory on your controller and start from fresh or if your controller is not responding to your commands, this video will show you
Como Ajustar o Pro-C Hunter para Obedecer Possíveis Legislaçōes
Step-by-step instructions show you how to easily change the watering days, start times, and run times of a Hunter Pro-C irrigation controller to help
Solução de Problemas em um Controlador Hunter
If your display is blank, unreadable, or if it is showing symbols that do not make any sense, this video will teach you how to troubleshoot the display.
Controladores - Programando Múltiplos Programas Parte 4/4: Outras Funçōes
Programming a controller is easy. You just need to program the current day and time and you are ready to create a program for your zones or stations. It
Controladores - Programando Múltiplos Programas Parte 3/4: Programa B
Programming a controller is easy. You just need to program the current day and time and you are ready to create a program for your zones or stations. It
Controladores - Programando Múltiplos Programas Parte 2/4: Progama A
Programming a controller is easy. You just need to program the current day and time and you are ready to create a program for your zones or stations. It
Controladores - Programando Múltiplos Programas Parte 1/4: Introdução e Hora/Dia
Programming a controller is easy. You just need to program the current day and time and you are ready to create a program for your zones or stations. It