One of the most common reasons for a sprinkler to start leaking between the pop-up riser assembly and the body cap while it is in operation is because
Installing a Nozzle on a Hunter Rotor
Installing a nozzle on a rotor is relatively easy. The procedure is the same for the PGJ, SRM, PGP-ADJ, PGP Ultra and I-20 rotors. This video will teach
Cleaning a Filter on Hunter Rotor
The most common reason for a sprinkler to stop rotating is the accumulation of debris in the filter. This video will teach you how to clean the filter
Dreamscapes Hunter Ep2 PGP I 20
Watch this irrigation retrofit using Hunter PGP Ultra and I-20 rotors to cost-effectively irrigate a large turf area, eliminate dead spots, and cut
Hunter Rotors: The Most Efficient Way to Water Large Turf Areas
Learn why Hunter rotors are trusted by irrigation professionals worldwide. Learn more about the features of the flagship PGP-ADJ, PGP Ultra, and I-20
Hunter Rotor Right Stop Alignment
With a rotor tool, its easy to adjust the left stop, but ever wonder how to adjust the right stop after install? Hunter Technical Support will show you
Hunter Rotorları: PGP, PGP-Ultra ve I-20
Hunter Industries PGP rotorun çevresindeki inovasyonun üzerine kurulmuştur. Bu video Hunter bireysel ve hafif ticari rotorlarına genel bir bakıştır
Hunter Rotor Nasıl Ayarlanır - Hızlı İpucu
Bir rotorun açı ve atış mesafesini ayarlamak kolay bir görevdir. Bir çok bireysel rotor aynı şekilde ayarlanır. Rotorlarda yapılabilecek iki ayar