Mostrando 1 - 13 de 13
Turning on multiple stations with ROAM and ROAM XL remote
If you have the water capacity and you want to turn on more than one station at a time, you can use your ROAM or ROAM XL remote control.
Soil-Clik: Wiring Specific Controllers
Learn to wire your Soil-Clik moisture sensor with Hunter's Pro-C, X-Core, I-Core, and ACC irrigation controllers. Soil-Clik can also be installed on non
Soil-Clik: Product Guide
Hunter Industries' Soil-Clik senses moisture in the soil at the root level to ensure proper water application. This irrigation moisture sensor consists
Soil-Clik: Installation and Setup
This video will show you how to properly install and program a Soil-Clik irrigation moisture sensor to turn your sprinkler timer into a smart irrigation
Soil-Clik: Connecting a Soil-Clik and a Solar Sync
When paired together, the Hunter Solar Sync and Soil-Clik make the ultimate smart irrigation solution for your sprinkler system. Learn to install the
Hunter ROAM with ICR
This video shows you how you can use your Hunter ROAM XL transmitter with an existing ICR receiver using an addressing procedure.
Hunter ROAM remote QuickStart
This video shows you how to get up and running with some quick start features for your Hunter ROAM remote. Learn about how to set up your address, start
Extending the Hunter SmartPort
This video covers how to extend a Hunter SmartPort using SRR-SCWH (shielded cable wiring harness) to residential irrigation controllers for lawn
Conviértase en Héroe. Ahorre agua. Salve el día.
¿Le gustan las historias en las que los héroes combaten a los villanos y salvan el día?. Si es así, este video de riego inteligente de Hunter Industries
ROAM XL Operation
This video will show you how to install the SmartPort, prepare the remote for operation, change the address, increase the number of stations or switch
Smart Irrigation Home Retrofit with Hunter and Ahmed Hassan
Landscape contractor Ahmed Hassan, best known from TV's Yard Crashers, retrofits a backyard using Hunter Irrigation's water efficient products - the MP
Programadores de riego Wi-Fi Hunter Hydrawise: ahorre agua y proteja su jardín
Programadores Wi-Fi Hydrawise: ahorre agua y proteja su jardín. La tecnología líder del sector Hydrawise de Hunter Industries le ofrece la solución de
Control Remoto ROAM - Programación
Control Remoto ROAM -- Programación ROAM Remote Este video le mostrará el funcionamiento de un control remoto ROAM incluyendo el procedimiento para