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Sensores de Chuva - Perguntas Frequentes
If your controller is showing a message indicating that the sensor is active even thought it has not rained or if the sensor is not shutting down the
Programando Dias Pares e Ímpares e Programando Intervalos de Rega
This video will teach you how to program your controller to water every other day by selecting odd or even days of the week to water. You will also
Como Reiniciar um Controlador Hunter
If want to clear the memory on your controller and start from fresh or if your controller is not responding to your commands, this video will show you
Controladores - Programando Múltiplos Programas Parte 4/4: Outras Funçōes
Programming a controller is easy. You just need to program the current day and time and you are ready to create a program for your zones or stations. It
Controladores - Programando Múltiplos Programas Parte 3/4: Programa B
Programming a controller is easy. You just need to program the current day and time and you are ready to create a program for your zones or stations. It
Controladores - Programando Múltiplos Programas Parte 2/4: Progama A
Programming a controller is easy. You just need to program the current day and time and you are ready to create a program for your zones or stations. It
Controladores - Programando Múltiplos Programas Parte 1/4: Introdução e Hora/Dia
Programming a controller is easy. You just need to program the current day and time and you are ready to create a program for your zones or stations. It
Cancelando Horários Iniciais de Rega em Controladores Hunter
An irrigation system that is repeating the cycle and continuously watering most likely has too many start times programmed into the controller. This
Cancelando o Atraso em um Controlador da Hunter
One of the most common reasons for a sprinkler system to water intermittently and show the word DELAY on the display is because a delay time was
Clik-Delay: Guia do Produto
The Hunter Clik-Delay was developed in response to the California Governor's mandate for a 48 hour irrigation delay after a rain event occurs. The Clik
Guia do produto: rotores Hunter série I
Learn about recent product improvements that raise the bar for durability and performance, and why there is no better commercial sprinkler than Hunter I