ACC2 - Switch Pump/Master Valve (P/MV)


To allow P/MV switching of water sources on sensor inputs, each station will need to be enabled for both P/MV outputs. When the sensor is triggered (open or closed), the P/MV that is not in use will be set to "Close P/MV." Depending on the status of the sensor, only one P/MV will be active as the affected sensor input will disable the opposite P/MV (water source).


There are two points of connection available: Potable water and non-potable water in a storage tank or pond. Each has its own Master Valve. A FLOAT SWITCH (closed sensor used in this example) is installed to monitor the non-potable level. All stations are set in STATION SETUP to call for both Master Valves.

  • When the float switch is closed, it disables the P/MV for the potable water supply, so only non-potable water is used.
  • When the float switch is open, it disables the P/MV for the non-potable supply, so only potable water is used.
  • They will not both be disabled simultaneously since only one position can be in effect at a time.

Alternative Source: Full

Alternative Source: Empty

To switch between P/MVs, two conditional responses (statements) must be created. Programming the P/MV OUTPUTS, FLOW ZONES (if you are using a flow sensor), and the SENSOR (e.g; float switch) should be completed prior to programming these statements.

Please view the setup instructions in each of the support sections listed below:

Setup: Conditional Response Statement #1
  1. From the Home Screen, select the MAIN MENU soft key.
  2. Using the scroll wheel, turn the dial to ADVANCED FEATURES and select CONDITIONAL RESPONSE.
  3. From the CONDITIONAL RESPONSE menu, select the first available statement (e.g., statement #1). Using the scroll wheel, select the TYPE: Clik Sensor(Float), select the SELECTION: Click Sensor 1, CONDITION: Set to closed.
  4. Using the soft key, select the "THEN" CONDITION. Set the TYPE to Close P/MV, set the SELECTION to P/MV2.
  5. Using the soft key, select REVIEW STATEMENT. Using the scroll wheel, select the check box labeled ENABLE STATEMENT.

The COMPLETED STATEMENT will result in P/MV 1 remaining open for non-potable water supply and P/MV 2 remaining closed. 




Setup: Conditional Response Statement #2
  1. Using the top soft key, select NEXT STATEMENT (#2).
  2. Using the soft key, select the IF Statement. Using the scroll wheel, select the TYPE: Clik Sensor(Float), select the SELECTION: Click Sensor 1, CONDITION: Set to open.
  3. Using the soft key, select the "THEN" CONDITION. Set the TYPE to Close P/MV, set the SELECTION to P/MV1.
  4. Using the soft key, select REVIEW STATEMENT. Using the scroll wheel, select the check box labeled ENABLE STATEMENT.

The COMPLETED STATEMENT will result i P/MV 1 closing when the float switch opens and PM/V 2 opening for the potable water supply.  

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