To allow P/MV switching of water sources on sensor inputs, each station will need to be enabled for both P/MV outputs. When the sensor is triggered (open or closed), the P/MV that is not in use will be set to "Close P/MV." Depending on the status of the sensor, only one P/MV will be active as the affected sensor input will disable the opposite P/MV (water source).
There are two points of connection available: Potable water and non-potable water in a storage tank or pond. Each has its own Master Valve. A FLOAT SWITCH (closed sensor used in this example) is installed to monitor the non-potable level. All stations are set in STATION SETUP to call for both Master Valves.
- When the float switch is closed, it disables the P/MV for the potable water supply, so only non-potable water is used.
- When the float switch is open, it disables the P/MV for the non-potable supply, so only potable water is used.
- They will not both be disabled simultaneously since only one position can be in effect at a time.
Alternative Source: Full
Alternative Source: Empty
To switch between P/MVs, two conditional responses (statements) must be created. Programming the P/MV OUTPUTS, FLOW ZONES (if you are using a flow sensor), and the SENSOR (e.g; float switch) should be completed prior to programming these statements.
Please view the setup instructions in each of the support sections listed below:
- From the Home Screen, select the MAIN MENU soft key.
- Using the scroll wheel, turn the dial to ADVANCED FEATURES and select CONDITIONAL RESPONSE.
- From the CONDITIONAL RESPONSE menu, select the first available statement (e.g., statement #1). Using the scroll wheel, select the TYPE: Clik Sensor(Float), select the SELECTION: Click Sensor 1, CONDITION: Set to closed.
- Using the soft key, select the "THEN" CONDITION. Set the TYPE to Close P/MV, set the SELECTION to P/MV2.
- Using the soft key, select REVIEW STATEMENT. Using the scroll wheel, select the check box labeled ENABLE STATEMENT.
The COMPLETED STATEMENT will result in P/MV 1 remaining open for non-potable water supply and P/MV 2 remaining closed.
- Using the top soft key, select NEXT STATEMENT (#2).
- Using the soft key, select the IF Statement. Using the scroll wheel, select the TYPE: Clik Sensor(Float), select the SELECTION: Click Sensor 1, CONDITION: Set to open.
- Using the soft key, select the "THEN" CONDITION. Set the TYPE to Close P/MV, set the SELECTION to P/MV1.
- Using the soft key, select REVIEW STATEMENT. Using the scroll wheel, select the check box labeled ENABLE STATEMENT.
The COMPLETED STATEMENT will result i P/MV 1 closing when the float switch opens and PM/V 2 opening for the potable water supply.
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