For Immediate Release

SAN MARCOS, Calif. — November 15, 2023

The Ann Hunter-Welborn Circle of Excellence Award given annually by Hunter Industries recognizes social responsibility investments made by companies, organizations, and individuals in the green industry. Celebrating its sixth year of commending industry leaders for their sustainability efforts, the company is excited to announce the recipients for 2023.


This award was born from the corporate social responsibility ideals Ann Hunter-Welborn brought to Hunter Industries early in its inception. Presented annually since 2018, the awards recognize innovative, socially responsible practices across the industries represented by Hunter Industries’ Family of Companies. The award’s ultimate goal is to generate awareness about these positive actions and inspire others to join the movement. Hunter Industries evaluates nominations from its Sales team to determine the recipients.

“As an early pioneer in sustainability, we’re eager to showcase the achievements of our award recipients and inspire broader engagement in the creation of sustainable and resilient communities.”

–Warren Gorowitz, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility

To help create a sustainable industry, Hunter Industries continually seeks partners with similar ideals. The 2023 award recipients have created positive impacts in a variety of ways. By sharing their stories, the company hopes to inspire others to join the movement to improve communities around the world with the environment in mind.