STG-900 Nozzle Performance Data
Nozzle Pressure Radius Flow Precip mm/hr
  bar kPa m m³/hr l/min
7.0 700 31.4 16.9 282 34.3 39.6
7.5 750 33.2 17.5 291 31.7 36.6
8.0 800 35.1 18.1 301 29.4 34.0
7.0 700 34.1 19.1 319 32.8 37.9
7.5 750 35.4 20.0 333 32.0 37.0
8.0 800 36.6 20.9 348 31.2 36.1

Note: All precipitation rates calculated for 180° operation. For precipitation rate of a 360° sprinkler, divide by 2.

Requires minimum 7.0 bar; 700 kPa dynamic pressure supplied to swing joint inlet.