Stator Adjustments – G80 Risers

Turn the riser upside down, remove the filter screen and view the stator area. Notice the black part with the three sections extending outward from the center (fig 1). This black part on G80 risers is called the adjustable stator plate. Beneath the adjustable stator plate is a gray non-removable part with the three openings. This part is called the stator. The stator has a series of numbers engraved into the plastic. These numbers are the nozzle size reference numbers.

To make an adjustment, rotate the adjustable stator plate to the right in a clock-wise direction (fig 2). Notice the small cutout or “window” on the adjustable stator plate. As the adjustable stator plate is rotated, the various nozzle reference numbers will appear in the cutout/window. Simply keep rotating the adjustable stator plate until the desired nozzle number on the gray stator appears in the cutout/window. Double-check to make sure the desired nozzle number is visible in the cutout/ window.

Adjusting a Golf Rotor
Adjusting a Golf Rotor

                                                                                   fig 1                                                                                fig 2


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