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Welcome to the MP Rotator Support section. The MP Rotator is a high efficiency-rotating nozzle that can replace a traditional spray nozzle. In this section you will find information on how to retrofit, adjust, maintain and troubleshoot the MP Rotator nozzles.
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MP Rotator Nozzles are installed on traditional pop-up sprinklers and stationary shrub adapters. All MP Rotator models are female-threaded for installation on the more common male
Nozzle Choices
Standard MP Rotator Nozzles
With the lowest precipitation rate on the market and multi-stream technology, the Standard MP Rotator Nozzle is the most trusted high-efficiency nozzle solution, offering up to 30%
MP800 Nozzle
The MP Rotator MP800 Nozzle offers a higher precipitation rate that is perfect for small spaces and spray retrofits.ModelDescriptionMP-800SR-90MP Rotator Nozzle, 20 mm/hr
Strip Nozzle
MP Rotator Strip Nozzles offer a high-efficiency solution for irrigating narrow spaces.ModelDescriptionMP-LCS-515MP Rotator Nozzle, left corner strip, 1.5 m x 4.5 m pattern, female
MP Rotator Nozzles are shipped from the factory at the maximum radius setting and with the following arc settings:MP Rotator ModelFactory-Set Arc90° to 210°180°2100° to 270°210°360
Run Times & Zoning
Run Times
MP Rotator nozzles have a lower precipitation rate than typical spray nozzles, so your run times may need to be lengthened compared to traditional sprays. Run times with the MP
The MP Rotator Standard Nozzle Family has a matched precipitation rate of approximately 0.4 in/hr (10 mm/hr). This means any standard MP Rotator at any arc or radius can be placed
Tools & Accessories
As water conservation becomes more and more of a concern, high efficiency irrigation systems using the MP Rotator product line will become the solution. The MP Rotator is a high
Native plant restoration projects and subsurface drip irrigation systems often require temporary overhead watering to support delicate plants. To simplify temporary irrigation, two
With MP Rotators, 80% of the filter can be plugged without a performance drop. MP Rotator filters can be removed for cleaning and/or replacement. Please view the chart below for
Side Strip Precipitation Rate
When using the side strip nozzles, there are several different configurations that can be done with any given design. For this reason, we would recommend using the Total Area
Precip Rates
What is the difference between the MP Standard Family and the MP800 Family?Standard MP Rotators have the lowest precipitation rate in the industry, at 10 mm/hr. These models
Trajectory Chart
The trajectory and spray height of the water stream leaving a sprinkler nozzle is important information when designing and installing irrigation systems. These spray nozzle
Distance Coverage
The MP Rotator's coverage distance depends on incoming pressure. You may not have the correct pressure if you are not achieving the desired distance.